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Getting the Vision for Chromebooks logs

Applies to: Vision for Chromebooks all versions

Go to this URL: https://vision.netop.com/apps/chrome/teacher/logs
It will prompt you to save the latest file in your default download location.

Student (while logged in as a student having issues):
Go to this URL: https://vision.netop.com/apps/chrome/student/logs It will prompt you to save the latest file in your default download location. Locate the latest .json file and send it in.

Windows Teacher app via Microsoft Store:
%localappdata%\Packages\NetopSolutions.VisionTeacherforChromebooks_m7p600ccwap2t\LocalCache\Roaming\Vision Teacher for Chromebooks\logs

Windows Teacher app (Other Windows versions and formats):
You can retrieve the logs from %APPDATA%\Vision Teacher for Chromebooks\logs\. Find the latest .json file in that folder and send it in.

MacOS Teacher app:
You can retrieve the logs from (your user)/Library/Containers/com.netop.visionteacher/Data/Library/Application Support/Vision Teacher for Chromebooks/logs/

It is best to get both log files (Teacher and Student) within a short time span of each other to make sure they are recent and we can compare the log files.


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