How to configure Vision to cross subnets or VLANs

Applies to:  Vision 7 all versions, Vision 8 all versions, Vision Pro 7.3 or higher

To configure Vision to cross over a network subnet or VLAN do the following on the teacher machine:

Go to File tab and select > Vision preferences.  Click on the network tab.  Change the network type to wireless and the network adapter from default to the specific network card that the teacher machine is connecting to the student machines with.   Click apply and then ok.  Restart the computer.

Additionally if you run any of the Windows firewalls in Windows 7 or higher you will need to adjust the Vision firewall exceptions' scopes to include the other subnet(s).

Article Number: 60
Posted: Mon, Jan 31, 2011 6:49 PM
Last Updated: Thu, Sep 17, 2015 3:40 PM

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