Vision name resolution requirements

Applies to: Vision version 6.0 or higher, Vision Pro version 7.3 or higher
In order for a Vision teacher module to correctly connect to student computers, it must be able to resolve the hostname of the student computers to the computers' correct IP addresses. This can be accomplished via a variety of methods including DNS, WINS, Hostfiles etc.

The best test for this functionality is to try to do a 'ping by name'. To accomplish this find out the hostname of a student computer and then type 'ping computername' in a Windows command prompt, where computername is the actual hostname of the student computer. Once this command executes, it will either return an error message or successfully ping the computer. At this point you can compare the resultant IP address with the address the computer has locally to determine if name resolution is working properly.

Article Number: 67
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2011 10:07 PM
Last Updated: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 1:16 PM

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